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Pet Euthanasia

Pet Euthanasia

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Pet Euthansia

Euthanasia is a gift that we are able to give our pets, its literal translation is “good death”. Humane Pet Euthanasia takes pride in making this experience one that is peaceful and pain free.

Upon arrival to your home your pet is given a sedative which will not only relax him but also relieve him of any pain or discomfort. Once he is ready and in a sleepy state without any response to stimulation, the final injection is administered.

“I always take the time each family needs to answer any questions or concerns they are having not only about the process but also to ensure that they are comfortable and confident in their decision to euthanize. Each patient is different and treated as such, I move at their pace and cater to their needs”

-Dr. Scherrer.

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